Des poissons qui fascinent par la diversité de leurs formes et de leurs couleurs… des crabes, étoiles de mer, coraux, anémones de mer, poulpes ou limaces multicolores qui peuplent le fond des mers… Ce guide propose un voyage sous la surface des océans du monde entier au travers de la description de plus de 450 espèces marines, animales et végétales.
Fruit de plusieurs années de recherches passionnées, ce guide pratique présente plus de 200 espèces de poissons de Méditerranée avec des critères détaillés pour mieux les connaître et les reconnaître. Les livrées mâle/femelle, de nuit, ou juvénile sont également présentées lorsque cela est pertinent. Le guide contient 26 pages recto-verso avec une reliure spiralée, imprimées sur un support immergeable et très résistant.
32cm tray. Made of anticorodal anodized aluminum, prepared with holes and slots for mounting handles and housings. This tray is recommended for very compact housings with a single central mounting thread. The tray comes complete with 2 handles and quick-coupling ball joints.
50 cm carbon fiber arm, complete with 2 40-micron anodized anticorodal aluminum end joints (military standard) for maximum durability and excellent resistance to wear and seawater.
34 cm carbon fiber arm, complete with 2 40-micron anodized anticorodal aluminum end joints (military standard) to ensure maximum durability and excellent resistance to wear and seawater.
Carbon fiber arm, size 24 cm, complete with n.2 end joints in 40-micron anodized anticorodal aluminum (military standard) to ensure maximum durability and excellent resistance to wear and seawater.
Carbon fiber arm, size 18 cm, complete with no. 40-micron anodized anticorodal aluminum end joints (military standard) to ensure maximum durability and excellent resistance to wear and sea water. The Slim version guarantees the same quality and length as the traditional version, but weighs less.
Carbon fiber arm with 1 end ball joint and 1 universal ball joint in anodized anticorodal aluminum with 40-micron military treatment for maximum durability and excellent resistance to wear and salinity. Allows direct flash attachment.
24 cm carbon fiber arm with 40-micron anodized anticorodal aluminum end joints for maximum durability and excellent resistance to wear and seawater. Version with 25 mm ball joint on one side and YS connection on the other, for direct insertion of a strobe on the terminal, without the need for a clamp.
18 cm carbon fiber arm with 40-micron anodized anticorodal aluminum terminal joints for maximum durability and excellent resistance to wear and seawater. Version with 25 mm ball joint on one side and YS connection on the other, for direct insertion of a strobe onto the terminal, without the need for a clamp.